Due to Covid-19, Artisan Links lost their workspace and resorted to working out of the founder’s home. We funded an expansion of a new office space so that the 12 women can work more efficiently.
With all of their equipment being over 20 years old, the Ibu Foundation granted Artisan Links funds to purchase sewing machines, laptops, tailor mannequins, and other office necessities so that the artisans can continue their beautiful work.
10 women attended the training session at the Sewing Institute to learn the basic embroidery skills. Afterwards, the Artisan Links head tailor taught more detailed techniques.
Artisan Links is a socially responsible fair trade business featuring products that contribute to a sustainable future. As a member of the World Fair Trade Organization, each product they create is handcrafted by a team of women-only artisans. This empowers and uplifts both Afghan refugees and local Pakistani women artisans by allowing them to earn a steady income from producing high quality, hand-embroidered, hand-made accessories, gift items, apparel and home furnishings. Artisan Links motto is to be a responsible business and to empower women in marginalized communities by helping them gain economic security and encouraging them to use their artistic expertise. By translating traditional embroidery techniques, such as Kandahari and PuktaDozi, into contemporary designs, Artisan Links is helping to preserve an important aspect of Pakistani culture.