After near collapse of Indigo Handloom due to the pandemic, Ibu Foundation granted $20,000 to this group in 2022 to provide relief for the artisans and to invest in better materials for new products.
Founder Smita Paul launched Indigo Handloom in 2003 and works with over 500 weavers in rural India to produce beautiful, handwoven textiles using ancient techniques.
Their purpose has always been to promote the beautiful and sustainable art of handweave. All of their products are made completely from handloom fabric from artisans in rural India. Their mission is to provide work with dignity for the artisans - many of whom have less than a fourth grade education with limited resources. Indigo Handloom recognizes the intelligence in their craft and the rich heritage behind the cloth. So with that in mind, they always design their products which incorporate a mix of modern and ancient sensibilities so that our artisans practice their traditional skills. Some of the weaving families have practiced handweave or handloom for generations.
Due to the pandemic, Indigo Handloom’s business was nearing collapse with their weavers sitting without work - many of them had given up and worked as low level manual labor or construction.