The Foundation’s first ever project was providing Queen Amina with solar lights so that the women could continue working in the evenings.
With funds from the Ibu Foundation, Queen Amina Embroidery was able to build a brand new workspace equipped with sewing machines to replace their broken ones. The Foundation has also paid rent for the workspace for the year of 2021.
Queen Amina Embroidery is named after the fearless leader Queen Amina of Nigeria that serves as a powerful role model for many young girls. The talented artisans work everyday to make beautiful pieces that showcase traditional Nigerian embroidery.
Hassana Yusuf is the manager of the cooperative and plays a formative role in helping Nigerian women thrive. She is a mother of four, yet still dedicates so much time towards empowering the women of her community. As manager, she is tasked with communicating with international partners, such as Ibu Foundation, in an effort to expand Queen Amina’s market. The cooperative has grown from 25 to 40 women, with many more eager to join.
The Ibu Foundation has a long history with Queen Amina Embroidery. It was their need for solar lights that inspired Susan Hull Walker, the founder of Ibu, to create the foundation to meet the needs of artisans in 2019. Since then, the Ibu Foundation has worked with Queen Amina Embroidery to build a beautiful and functional workspace that will allow their cooperative to grow with new women.