Ibulliance: Radiating Joy

Dear Ibus… dear Women of Respect, all of us,
This is the season of celebration for so many people of every spiritual persuasion. This is that special time when we all gather to share Hope and Kindness and Respect for everyone… a time of Joy. In this terribly difficult time on our wounded Planet we gather together with Compassion and Generosity of spirit to give thanks and to share Light and Joy with each other… and to Connect.
About ten years ago I met Susan Walker at the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, where I live… and she told me all about the organization she had recently created: Ibu Movement. She asked me if I would like to be an ambassador and maybe even a creative contributor, and I enthusiastically accepted. I joined a small but wonderful group who were busy working with women artisans all over the World, to help them sell their beautiful, handmade clothing in America. The craft that each woman creates, in concert with friends who make up their collectives, is all that ravishing handwork dating back centuries. Each is particular to their home regions and countries: a feast of exotic, handmade, beautiful creations.
My parents were both artists, and I grew up in a house filled with books and crafts and all the tools and inspiration for their hobbies of weaving, silversmithing, enameling, and designs that were inspired by both of their travels all over the World. From an early age, I developed a passion for craftsmanship and design, colors, all very personal expressions. And when I graduated college and went to New York for my first job, which was in the fashion business. It was just as the Sixties were beginning: what a great time to be a woman! Everywhere in that fabulous city there were little shops filled with the objects and clothing of every faraway civilization, brought back to America by Hippies, who had travelled to Africa, to Asia, to India… to every exotic corner of the Earth. I immediately made those treasures a major part of my small wardrobe, and have done that ever since.
Now under Susan’s visionary leadership, IBU Movement has exploded into an organization that is backed by many generous supporters like you, and together they champion over 100 groups of artisan women all over the World. They stretch from Morocco to Colombia, from Tanzania to Peru, from Uzbekistan to Ghana, from India to Haiti, and so many more brilliant cultures. The women who work together in groups of artisans are creating beautiful handwork which refers back to their whole cultural history; and the money they make from selling these treasures brings them the respect and connection they deserve in their families and communities.
In this difficult time of automation, distancing, and an alien lack of intimacy and even care, Ibu insists upon this connection for all of the women involved. And this esteem and championing creates a powerful and happy global community of women who share their new-found power and optimism… and Respect.
I am thrilled to be a little part of this now-realized dream of my friend, Susan. I believe in the work, of course, and the new optimism and respect of each of these remarkable artisans and their communities. But in these dark and troubling times I also strongly feel the need we all have for Light and Hope, Kindness and Connection. And for me, this now fast-growing organization called Ibu Movement, alive and active in over 100 communities all over the Planet, radiates that energy I crave to feel.
In this complicated, final moment of 2024, I think these women and their artistry and triumphs, signal us all to celebrate our new and powerful connections, and radiate Joy. It is a crucial moment for all of us, a time traditionally noted by Celebration. So let’s Celebrate! Let’s Celebrate Connection and Intimacy, Generosity and Courage and Artistry. Let’s celebrate with Compassion and Kindness and Hope! Let’s please celebrate Joy!
To you and yours,
Ali MacGraw
IBU Ambassador