Hand Beaded Earrings from South Africa
They're called the Grace Jones earrings. Why, I wonder? Because Grace Jones is powerful, outrageously bold, resilient, irreverent? Because Grace Jones is an icon to women in South Africa who know she fought her way out of a box to claim her own life? I'm not sure, but the team at ibu fell for the Grace Jones earrings for all those reasons and more . . . because they are great looking. And different. And super-light.
You often ask how we find the artisans with whom we work and here is one fine story of how we find them because of you. The women in CapeTown are now new friends because of Jennifer's good taste and remarkable recall and generosity in sharing.
This is how the movement moves . . . women getting together in a friend's garden, women pushing the limits of their craft to new heights, women giving each other a hand . . . or an ear :) And a little bit of Grace Jones thrown in to keep us fierce and bold.
All the Best,
Susan Hull Walker