The POP of Color

When I look back at my daily wardrobe in the first dire year of the pandemic, I see black. An assortment of black loungy pants and tops became a uniform around the house. At the time, it seemed normal, and enough. But in retrospect, when I think of the festive dresses slumped on their hangers and bright shiny things that didn't even get a glance, I think my closet was depressed. 

Fast forward two long, neutral-constrained years and nownow you see an audacious cast of characters arriving on the fashion scene. Brazen orange, cocky lime, nervy blue, and, yes, even a jaunty kelly green. That loud chrome yellow that two years ago would have made you cringe—is now the it girl.

Commentators are calling it the optimism of color. Banish the boring. Ban the bland!  We're seeing a vibrancy return to life. We're waking up, and wow, do we have something to say… and we're saying it with color.

When Ibu introduced our ikat caftans last fall in a carnival of colors, we knew. We sold out in a day, and ordered more, and then more, and each time you asked for more, buying in multiples—a color for each kind of day.  

Now, just in, the best colors yet have blossomed—like bulbs popping up after a long winter. If there really is a time for everything under the sun, then this is the time for color - and make it bold. Why not try it? If not the caftan, then just try on the jaunty part, the nervy, plucky part. The POP of color. For me, a cheeky leprechaun green  was just the medicine my closet needed. 

All the Best,